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Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Inspiration - Mom and Dad

When I began thinking about retiring from teaching, I knew myself well enough that I would have to stay busy and yet do something I enjoyed.  After taking several multiple question "know yourself" surveys, it turns out I am a teacher and a nurturer - shock of all shocks!  So I decided to put to use what I know about helping others in time of need.

Along the way my dear friend Sharon was looking for a new venture and since we ARE friends and she being an RN was also in the helping others category, we decided to join forces and create a company that we hope will help people in time of need or stress.  Being Baby Boomers ourselves, we are in that sandwich generation - our children still need us and our parents now do as well.  There are just not enough hours in the day to meet all of these needs and have any time left for our spouses let alone ourselves.

Through our experiences we have learned what questions to ask, who to ask, and what agencies are available to help.  We also have developed a list of things that we wish in our own personal situations we would have had assistance with in OUR time of need.  Although our first group of clients will be senior adults or their children, we also are looking forward to helping  all age groups with whatever they need to make more free time in their lives.  Do you remember what that is?

  So please join us on this journey as we try our wings as business owners and follow our hearts as we continue our careers "helping others" along the way.  Oh and if you would like more free hours in your days, please call us.  You might just find that free time is fun again.

Kathy Walter

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you both and the service you will provide for our community!
    It is very much needed and you are JUST the women to do it!
