Phone: 913-205-8542

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My grandchildren informed me that they have only 26 days of school left. YIKES, CAN THAT BE TRUE?   Well that means the "Summer Bucket List" is all they are talking about.  What is that, you ask?  

Well according to our youngest: "Mimi, you get snappy clothes pins and write things on them you want to do during the summer.  Every time you do one, you put it in the bucket and when they are all in the bucket, summer is over." (I see a flaw or two in that but never mind.)

I am sure doing the bucket list is way more fun than doing errands and things around the house so... we can help!  No, we don't do the bucket list with your precious children, but we do the things that keep you from having the time to enjoy the lazy days of summer.

We can research fun things for your family to enjoy, help plan day trips, and take care of things at your house while you are away.  We can clean, organize and make coming home something to look forward to. 

My mother has been known to say, "they grow up so fast and you should enjoy every minute you can."  I have and she is correct. So, let us help you enjoy time with your family. 
Just call and...

                                    CONSIDER IT DONE!!
