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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Aging In Place

Recently we heard a presentation about how care for the aging has changed over time.  As in many things, the old is somewhat new again.  The elderly used to be cared for by families and friends or their church.  Then group homes became popular followed by the beautiful developments we see today in communities big and small.  One thing that has NOT changed is the impact available funds has to do with what care is available to us.  While touring one of the facilities in the Kansas City area,  I was told the hardest conversation they must have with clients is what happens when they run out of private pay dollars.  Unfortunately, few of the beautiful care centers have spaces for those who can no longer pay for their care.

Over a year  ago the Kansas City Star published a series of articles on "Aging In Place".  It is becoming more popular for many reasons, but in large part due to the cost of the alternative.

We are so excited about the possibility that insurance  companies are looking at helping pay for in home care for those who decide that Aging In Place is something they prefer for as long as they can.

The services we provide are helpful to families who have chosen for the loved one to stay in their home.  We would love to meet with you and talk about how we can help.

The growing need for help in caring for aging family members is the subject of many books, magazine  and newspaper articles.   Here is a link to the Star articles with information you may find helpful.